Friday, January 23, 2009

Help for Eating Disorders or Physical Activity Interventions in Children and Adolescents

Help for Eating Disorders: A Parent's Guide to Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Author: Debra K Katzman

Straightforward solutions to difficult problems.

Most teenagers have a friend who has been affected by an eating disorder. Such disorders affect almost 20% of teenage girls in North America at some point in their development.

Magazines and movies constantly stress a thin body image as the defining force for popularity. The message teenagers get is that thin is the only route to popularity and happiness.

Through the Eating Disorder Program, Drs. Katzman and Pinhas, at The Hospital for Sick Children, have developed a program that helps young people and their parents deal with the problems of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

First, the book shows parents how to identify an eating disorder and when to become concerned about it.

Second, there is vital information for parents on how to become informed users of the health care system and how to collaborate in their child's treatment.

Third, practical support for parents, family members and coaches enables them to participate in the recovery of a child or adolescent with an eating disorder.

Worksheets, diaries and first-person case studies assists parents and caregivers to help youth overcome an eating disorder.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Amer Smajkic, MD(Rush University Medical Center)
Description: This book describes diagnosis and treatment of, and recovery from, eating disorders. It offers a basic understanding of eating disorders, specifics on how they affect children and adolescents, how to recognize if they need help, how to perceive the assessment and treatment of children with eating disorders, and what to expect from recovery and treatment.
Purpose: The purpose is to provide a detailed book that organizes clinical knowledge and personal experience about all the major areas of eating disorders. The book is organized into three parts including diagnosis, treatment, and family and community roles in recovery and prevention.
Audience: The targeted audiences are mainly parents and families, but professionals whose daily life involves working with children and adolescents with eating disorders could also benefit.
Features: The book outlines description, myths, misconceptions, risk factors, causes, how to identify and how to recognize complications related to eating disorders. It describes care and treatment, focusing on treatment resources in the community, getting assessment, choosing a treatment strategy, learning to eat again, coping with relapses, and making the transition from adolescent to adult. Information about focusing on roles of family and community in recovery and prevention of eating disorders detail how to help yourself and your child, how to look for resources in social networks, how to educate professionals working with your child, and what to expect from recovery are included. The text is strengthened with tables, handyexplanations, tips, and valuable cases with two personal testimonials written by a parent and by a young person with anorexia. References are up to date.
Assessment: This is a good functional book targeting parents, but also useful to professionals and clinicians. It is written in clear and structured manner. The book does highlight all the important issues in the area of eating disorders.

New interesting textbook: Sécurité Faite Facile :une Approche de Liste de contrôle à l'Acquiescement OSHA

Physical Activity Interventions in Children and Adolescents

Author: Dianne S Ward

With modern conveniences and technology always beckoning, today's children are less active and more obese than ever—which leads to an ever-increasing need for more effective interventions to help them become more active. Physical Activity Interventions in Children and Adolescents addresses this problem by helping professionals in schools, health departments, recreation centers, state agencies, and not-for-profit organizations design, implement, and evaluate interventions to promote and increase physical activity among children and adolescents.

Part of the Physical Activity Intervention Series, Physical Activity Interventions in Children and Adolescents provides information on current levels of youth physical activity and presents a basic understanding of the issues associated with it. The book offers a clear and reader-friendly overview of theories of behavior change that have been used in developing physical activity interventions in a variety of settings and methods for program evaluation. Specific recommendations for physical activity from various professional and health organizations are included as well. The book also provides

  • descriptive epidemiology of youth physical activity that helps identify the changes in activity as children age;
  • insights into the potential role of the family and the community in providing physical activity opportunities for youth;
  • guidance for the development of collaborative relationships among agencies and organizations to promote physical activity in the community; and
  • a review of available instruments for measuring physical activity in youth populations, including self-report instruments and step counters.
Practical application of the information covered in Physical Activity Interventions in Children and Adolescents is demonstrated through real-world interventions that have been implemented in various settings. The programs were selected based on their demonstrated effectiveness, potential for success, or unique features. Strengths and weaknesses of each intervention are highlighted. In addition to the presentation of existing programs, guidelines for the development of new programs are presented. Sample worksheets serve as valuable tools in evaluating and designing interventions in areas where proven programs are not yet available.

The text follows a three-part progression. Part I provides an orientation to activity in young people, describing how to change behavior and introducing the settings in which such behavior change programs might be developed. In part II, documented interventions are examined for programs in schools, community organizations, and home and health care settings. Part III explores intervention design, assisting those who want to design their own interventions for specific populations. Descriptions of program evaluation, including useful measurement instruments, are detailed as well.

The result is a book that professionals can use for learning about physical activity and the role it plays in the lives of youth. It will guide readers in designing successful interventions that can change physical activity behavior for the children and adolescents with whom they work.

Table of Contents:
Physical Activity Intervention Series Preface

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